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C.A.R. Wildfire Resources Member Townhall


Join CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® President Heather Ozur for an upcoming townhall where she and other C.A.R. leaders will discuss the ways C.A.R. is supporting our members during the Southern

Antioch City Council Meeting

Antioch City Hall 200 H Street, Antioch, CA, United States

Members of the Delta Association of REALTORS Local Government Relations (LGR) Committee, REALTOR Party of California Member Mobilization, and Leadership Team invite you to join them in attending the Antioch

Planning Meeting: DAR-LA

Delta Association of Realtors® 3428 Hillcrest Avenue Suite 200, Antioch, CA, United States

Planning stages of Delta Association of REALTORS Leadership Academy/Mentor Program. CLOSED MEETING for Delta AOR Exec Committee.

Board of Directors Meeting

Delta Association of Realtors® 3428 Hillcrest Avenue Suite 200, Antioch, CA, United States

Board of Directors meet every 4th Thurs. of the month in person at 2 pm. Date may change due to holiday(s). (Jan. meeting moved to last Thurs. of Jan.) The Board

C.A.R. Business Meetings Indian Wells, CA

The C.A.R. Board of Directors and its Committees research and formulate policy on all areas affecting the business, professional practices and public policy involvement of California REALTORS®.  The next regularly



Non-members must call 925-757-8283 to register.