Meet-up with your Delta Association of REALTORS® peers & leadership team on:
Friday, September 15th, 2023.
Meet at Contra Loma Guard Gate by 9 am to begin leisurely walk along Contra Loma reservoir. This is a 2 mile loop that takes 45 min – 1 hr to complete. Trail is mostly flat with some paved areas.
You may pay $5 parking fee to park inside (most convenient). For FREE parking, there are 2 locations outside of park where you can take a 10-minute hilly walk to get inside located at: 1200 Fredrickson Lane (trailhead parking lot) or 801 James Donlon Blvd. (Worth Shaw Community Park).
**To avoid break-ins, East Bay Regional Park District advises not leave anything inside car or within view. Lock valuables in trunk. Roll up windows and lock doors.**
*Contact 2023 Delta Association Director & Education Committee Chairperson, Valerie Squier (925)247-4707 or 2023 Delta Association President, Virginia Viera Mitchell (925)325-2170 for event details and/or day-of meet info.
#contraloma #naturewalk #naturetherapy #healthbenefits #healthyliving #deltarealtors #mentalhealth
Non-members must call 925-757-8283 to register.